January 10, 2022 2 min read

It’s the beginning of a new year and endless possibilities are surrounding you. 2022 holds the promise of a great year where each one of us becomes a better version of ourselves. But the question still remains-How do you as a parent survive a pandemic? 

And the answer parents are seeking is not medical but one that’s doable, sustainable and actionable.

Fitness is everything. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Take time out to focus on yourself. Clean air and natural surroundings are one of the best ways to beat the blues, shake up your lethargy and feel good about yourself. Make a consistent schedule of going for a walk, run or Zumba class everyday and you’ll soon notice how quickly it becomes a habit. One that you’ll be proud of.


Write a journal. Putting your thoughts down on paper helps you visualise what’s bothering you, or how you want to change your attitude towards others, how you want to help your kids become better at something or what you’re passionate about. 


Make a gratitude list.What are you thankful for today? Each day we can choose to be grateful for the fresh air we breathe, great food that we eat, beautiful kids, cute pets, a witty spouse or kind neighbours. When you begin looking at things surrounding you positively, you begin to nurture great thoughts. And that’s the kind of energy you pass on to your family.


Cook a healthy meal daily. Cooking is considered a therapeutic activity and one that is also directly related to health. When you know what’s going inside you, you choose the ingredients more carefully.


Keep your home organised. Seeing a clean and organised home makes your thoughts and decisions organised too. Once you have cleaned up your space, you’ll start making time for things that you thought you were too busy to do. 


At Miko, we believe that the future is technology and that’s why our AI-powered Robot has arrived as a need of the hour for both parents and kids. Children worldwide are learning a great deal from our friendly little bot and picking up new subjects to ask questions from Miko. Whether it is a quiz on flags with the Flagathon app, or learning coding from Coding School or simply trying a new way of wellness with the Cosmic Kids app, Miko 3 keeps the child happily engaged while imparting learning and sharing fun tidbits with them. 

Your child can now listen to rhymes on Miko Music app, play hide & seek with the I Seek You app, or become a pet parent of a dinosaur with My Petsaurus app. Learning is now truly made fun with Miko 3. Parents are amazed how much their child is learning with the help of Miko, and without the aid of devices. 

With an ever-increasing library of content, Miko families around the world are now experiencing a fresh and rich platform of learning.